Saddened that your device does not support iOS 5 and its features? Disappointed that Apple did not let you have iOS 5? There is a solution to that. Whited00r.
Whited00r is a custom firmware made by developers and it has many iOS 5 features that include it. It is not exactly iOS 5, its is just a heavily modified version of iOS 3.1.3. You can install it directly through iTunes, by restoring to the Whited00r firmware. Oh, and did I tell you. It's free. And it makes your device faster and smoother. Anyways, here are some of Whited00r's main features:
Multitasking- This special type of multitasking is made especially for your old device. You choose what apps to background, and you can do it by simply holding the home button. Besides that there is also iPod controls and Lock Rotation feature
Home Screen: This home screen has the iOS 4 interface. There is a Reflective Dock, Shadows, Transulent Status Bar and more. This does not slow down your device at all.
Folders: Folders does come with Whited00r and it works just like normal folders work. Just drag an app onto another and a folder is created. There is no animation for this though. I did find that opening folders is a little slower, but it's a great feature.
Reminders: Whited00r does come with Reminders, and it works just like the app on iOS 5. I did find that this version of Reminders is sort of buggy but it works okay.
iCloud: Not actually iCloud, but actually Drop Box with the iCloud icon. You can tranfer your documents and game saves to your other Whited00r devices.
Video Recording: For the iPhone 2G and 3G, video recording was left out. But Whited00r comes with an app called "Video" which lets you record videos on your iPhone. Pretty neat.
Safari: There are many Safari enhancements. Whited00r offers some useful bookmarks such as "Find in Page" and "Reader". It also allows you to watch Flash videos, which Apple does not allow their devices.
Native Features: Apple hid some native features that you should have. They include Battery Percentage, Multimedia Messages Service (MMS), tethering via bluetooth and via USB, cellular data network fields and Emoji icons and more.
Newsstand: Whited00r comes with Newsstand, but it actually isn't Newsstand. Currently it's just an app to keep in touch with the Whited00r community.
Jailbreak: Installing Whited00r will jailbreak your device and it will install the latest version of Cydia.
Carrier Unlock: If you install the Unlocker version of Whited00r you can unlock your iPhone. You don't need extra software and it's really simple.
3Store: On your device, it will show up as App Store, but it is actually 3Store, which is a store with free applications for your 3.1.3 device. Many apps have now dropped support for 3.1.3, and with 3Store, you can download previous versions of apps--when they were still compatible with 3.1.3.
Those are some of the main features of Whited00r.There are also some small improvements in the device. I have also noticed that my iPod touch 2G runs a lot smoother with this firmware then 4.2.1. You should definietly try this out, for it is a really great way to breathe life into your old device.
If you did want to see a video of Whited00r 5.1 on iPhone 3G vs. iOS 5 on iPhone 3GS, here's the video. The link to the video is here
UPDATE: Whited00r 6 is now out! Visit Whited00r 6: iOS 6 features for iPhone 2G/3G and iPod touch 1G/2G for more information.
1. Back up your device
2. Download Whited00r for your device. Choose Unlocker if you want to unlock your device. If you don't (or have an iPod touch), then just do the Normal version.
iPhone 2G
Download iPhone 2G Normal 5.2.1
Download iPhone 2G Unlocker 5.2.1
iPhone 3G
Download iPhone 3G Normal 5.2.1
Download iPhone 3G Unlocker 5.2.1
iPod Touch 1G
Download iPod Touch 1G 5.2.1
iPod Touch 2G
Download iPod Touch 2G 5.2.1
When I downloaded from Whited00r, I was sent to a page with many download links for Whited00r (after going though Ad.Fly) The download links I've posted are direct links to the download, so no need to go through Ad.Fly. Your download should start in 5 seconds once you click the link. The firmware files are directly from Whited00r.
3. After downloading Whited00r, open iTunes and plug in your device.
4. Click on "Restore" WHILE pressing the SHIFT (Windows) or ALT (Mac) button. Choose the Whited00r file downloaded.
Now here is when I started running into problems. iTunes had an error (error 1600, 1601, 1603, 1604) restoring and now my device was stuck in DFU mode. So I had to some quick research and found out that you have to install another program to get rid of the error. You have to download iReb or Recboot to get rid of these errors.
iReb |
5. Download iReb for Windows or Recboot for Mac. Just perform a Google search and download the program.
Since I have Windows I had iReb. I just followed the instructions for iReb and then repeated step 4 again. And guess what? It worked!
6. Wait for Whited00r to install on your device. It could take up to 15 minutes. It's just like the restore process--that white bar moving across. Then iTunes will ask you to set up your device. Choose set up as a new iPhone/iPod.
7. After Whited00r installs on your device, reboot your device for the features to appear.
8. Congratulations, now you have Whited00r on your device.
Where is Cydia?
Cydia is located in the App Market, the icon that looks like the App Store. That is also where the App Store, Backup and other things are. You can always use Spotlight search to find them also.